Care First Website
The Care First website is available to provide support to our school community and is available free of charge, offering immediate information, answers and advice on a range of workplace and personal issues.
Username: unicatp
Password: wellbeing
Portsmouth Neurodiversity Team Advice Clinics
Vision and Hearing Team
Information about Social Groups for Deaf Children and their Families
Household Support Fund Family Vouchers
Tap the image to download a PDF
National Sleep Helpline
Domestic Abuse Support
If you are currently experiencing abuse or have if the past; you are entitled to free and confidential support.
In Hampshire, you can call the Hampshire Domestic Abuse Advice Line on 033300 165 112
In an emergency always call 999.
For information about Hampshire's Victim Care Service, visit the website
Victim Care Service: 0808 178 1641
Victim Support's 24/7 Supportline: 0808 168 9111
Financial Advice
Do you have money worries or want to make the most of your money but aren’t sure where to go for advice and support?
There is plenty of free, confidential and local advice available to help you:
Check what financial support you're entitled to
KOOTH – Digital Mental Health Support
It’s understandable that some children and young people might be struggling with the transition to being back in school. 11-18 year olds in Portsmouth who are struggling with their emotional wellbeing can access a free online counselling service, wellbeing resources and self-help tools from
After School Tips
Mrs Cantini says that she needs time when she first gets home before she can do the ‘home’ things.
This is so important to remember for us all! For those that are in school currently, this is true and worth considering each day. It is also the case for the children that are at home. It is still ‘a day in school’ even if they don’t leave the house.
Pop-Up Uniform ShareStore
Hive Portsmouth's new pop-up school uniform ShareStore is helping local families.
The cost of a new uniform, school shoes, PE kit and other essentials can soon mount up, and add to the financial pressure on parents, especially in these challenging times.
That's why Hive Portsmouth has set-up its new pop-up school uniform ShareStore.
Click HERE to access their website
Finding Childcare in Portsmouth
Need help finding childcare?
Please click HERE to link to help and advice from Portsmouth City Council
Children’s Therapy Service - NHS Solent
Local Support
Please remember, you are never alone. Please reach out if you need any support at all.
School Nursing Service - Advice if Your Child is Unwell
Parent Info is a collaboration between Parent Zone and NCA-CEOP, providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations.