Be Kind
Do Your Best
Achieve Together
Headteacher & Deputy DSL Rob Jones
Deputy Headteacher, DSL & SENDCo Sam Cantini
UKS2 Phase Leader & Maths Lead Kate Weatherston
LKS2 Phase Leader & English Lead Romany Shairp
Year 3
Romany Shairp - English Lead
Sarah Tankard - History & Foundation Curriculum Lead
Year 4
Keiran Massey - Physical Education Lead
Victoria Piper - Geography Lead
Pipper-Jayne Warner
Year 5
Kate Weatherston Maths Lead
Andy West Science & Design and Technology Lead
Year 6
Amanda Bushell - PHSE/ SMSC Lead
Gill Walsh - Art Lead
Sam Rogers - Religion and World Views Lead
Cover Supervisors
Julie Daly-Powell
Debra Witt
Teaching Assistants
Nikki Ballantyne
Paula Bartlett
Jocelyn Blasco Steele
Leanne Brindley
Alison Egerton
Mary Elliott
Diane Baker
Sammy Grainger
Katy O'Rourke
Hazel Stanley
Becca White
Shelly Baldwin - Deputy DSL
Maria Broad - Deputy DSL
Business Manager (SJS & SIS) - Nina Glover
Finance Assistant - Clare Giles
Attendance Officer - Sam Hummerstone
Administrative Assistant - Amanda Smith
Administrative Assistant - Mary Eastman
IT Support - Karen Palmer-Roach
Site Manager - Mike Bond
Cleaner - Sue Page
Cleaner - Sharon Newton
Cleaner - Cherie Smiles
Senior Lunchtime Supervisor - Michelle Jones
Lunchtime Supervisors:
Diane Baker
Nikki Ballantyne
Paula Bartlett
Mike Bond
Leanne Brindley
Alison Egerton
Mary Elliott
Sharon Newton
Katy O'Rourke
Hazel Stanley
Becca White