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British Science Week - UTC Visit

Year 5 Girls Attend a City-Wide STEM Event

On Monday, a team of Year 5 girls attended a city-wide STEM event organised and held at UTC Portsmouth. They participated in three team events, working with other girls across the city. As part of this year's British Science Week theme, 'Connections', they really embraced connecting with others and developing their communication and team work skills.

Task one was to build a spaghetti and marshmallow structure that could survive severe weather! Both Stamshaw groups built sturdy, tall towers, both using a wide base and narrow peak. They both managed to withstand an 'earthquake' created by the UTC staff.

The next task was to build a case to protect an egg that was being dropped from the first floor of the building. Both groups worked hard and created eggcellent designs using a parachute and protective casing using a range of soft, cushioned materials. Unfortunately, both groups managed to scramble their eggs due to the size and weight of the case. Our school values were observed throughout this task with wonderful resilience and reflection on what to do differently next time.

Finally, the children were required to follow a set of instructions to create a glider. There were some tough decisions to make along the way, with the size and length of wingspan being down to the children themselves to decide. One group opted for short wings, with the other group designing a double wing glider. Both gliders were tested and managed to travel through the air a short distance.

Well done to the children involved for representing the school at this event and a big thank you to the staff and students at UTC for hosting us.

Megan, Lacie-Louise, Freya-Grace, Faith & Ava-Rae